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We are Musicians

Children will develop a love of music and increase their self-confidence and creativity. We will enrich pupils love of music through singing across the school as well as developing a crucial engagement with music with opportunities to compose and listen to a range of music. We explore how music is created and encourage pupils to develop their musical talents.

We teach the full National Curriculum for music. It is taught by Bexley Music Service who use Charanga music scheme to cover the National Curriculum objectives. 

In teaching music we aim to:

encourage children to sing with enthusiasm, free from inhibition, from an early age

cultivate listening skills

offer pupils an opportunity to develop strengths in all appropriate areas of musical expertise

encourage children to work individually and to co-operate with others

develop self confidence in all musical activity

build on all social, cultural and spiritual development through music

develop a love and understanding of music through active involvement in performing, composing, appraising and listening.